17:07 Friday, April 04 2004


Up until today this week was pretty damn good at work. It was relatively slow and quiet, I was able to work on some side projects, and i wasn't overly exhausted from my cold.
<!--<br /> Today changed all of that. It wasn't hectic or crazy, but there was just a constant and steady list of problems. And Colin was being Colin again. On wednesday Colin decided to change a process that impacted Support, without ever consulting with Support. I politely, yet vocoally objected to him. At first he pulled his standard overtly hostile & defensive response, where he attempted to justify his actions. To make a long story short, his justification really didn't make any logical sense, but I didn't bother to debate it with him in email. He did attempt to backpeddle towards the end of his email stating that he would resolve the issue to the satisfaction of all involved the following day. Then an hour later, I got a short email from him where he apologized. That's nice, but it doesn't change the fact that this wasn't the first time that he's changed processes without consulting with everyone involved.<br /> So on Thursday I had my weekly meeting with Ali, and I really wasn't sure that I would bring this up, but the way the conversation went, I ended up explaining what happened, and I made a point to note that Colin did, in fact, apologize to me. But the point is that he's done this before, and apologzing after the fact doesn't make it any less annoying. So Ali went into some contrived explanation of how Colin is a very fast moving person, that takes alot of risks, but usually the risks are worth it. Yea, whatever. So Ali asked me if I wanted him to talk to Colin, and I said yes. I figured that its been just about 2 months since the transition and this was the first time that I wanted Ali to intervene.<br /> So today, I'm in the midst of all kinds of business, and all of a sudden colin starts dumping all kinds of silly busy work on me, and generally being obnoxious to Support. I figured Ali must have had his talk. So a few minutes later i'm walking across the building, and Ali spots me and calls me over. He mentions that he just had the talk with Colin. He said that Colin actually told Mark to discuss the policy change with me before advertising it, but Mark failed to do so. He also said that Colin made a point of mentioning that he apologized to me emphatically.<br /> OK, so apparently the part when I told Ali that Colin apologized went unheard. This made me seem like an idiot who was just looking for trouble. And that's a really low blow to blame Mark for the fact that this wasn't properly handled. Colin took credit for wanting the policy change, so he should have taken responsibility for discussing it with all involved parties. But colin is a master of stabbing people in the back, so I can't say that I"m surprised.<br /> At any rate, it was so damn obvious that Colin was pissed off at me, just by his behavior. He wandered by later on, acting as if everything was hunky-dory. But he dragged me outside, and chewed my ear off, and dumped more busy work on me.<br /> I've really tried hard to not throw every little thing that Colin does at Ali. I'm not looking for friction. If Colin wants to turn this into a big deal, its only going to get worse. I'm not going to be bullied.<br /> -->