21:16 Saturday, July 07 2006

escaping the oven

David & I headed up to Marin today. We started off at Muir Woods. We got there at 9:30AM, and the first parking lot was already full, and the overflow lot was nearly half full. We took the longest longest trail. David had this bizarre fascination with tree roots that were above the ground. He was also intruiged by moss. Next we drove up to Point Reyes. We had a nice picnic lunch on a log-bench, and then walked the earthquake trail. David was full of energy, perhaps too much, and tripped & fell while running along, and scraped up his knees. It was nothing too serious, but he freaked out initially until I took him to the bathroom to clean his knees which were slightly bloody. Afterwards, we drove the 20 miles out to the lighthouse. This was the first time I've ever been out to the lighthouse that it wasn't cloudy and/or engulfed in thick fog. Additionally, the temperature was a very comfortable 72F, with nice sea breezes. David actually walked all the way down the staircase (all 301 steps) to the lighthouse, and was entralled by the foghorn. He also did a great job walking all the way back up. We finished off the day at North Beach. What shocked me was that the parking lot was completely full at the beach, plus the road leading to it had cars running at least a third of a mile. So we had a long walk down to the beach, but David didn't mind, and he had fun digging in the sand. The sand was very hot, and its a complete mystery to me how David wasn't the least bit bothered by it. I felt like my feet were getting cooked any time I touched it. I ended up putting my sneakers back on, and I got the kite up into the air. David was so excited to hold the kite while it was flying. The drive home took just over two hours. Pictures are up at the usual place.
BTW, it got up to 118F today out here. At 9:30PM, it was still 99F.