13:29 Thursday, November 11 2005


I played with Q-DVD-Author today for the first time after reading about it in next month's issue of Linux Journal. Granted its alpha software, so its still kinda rough around the edges.
The first challenge was converting some random movies into the correct video & audio formats. Thankfully the mencoder documentation for doing this seems to work perfectly.
After enduring a bunch of hangs & crashes with qdvdauthor, I finally managed to create a DVD image. Unfortunately, that image seems to have problems. First, the two menu items (each pointing to a different movie) don't seem to work at all, or at least the color highlighting isn't working, nor is my mouse. Also, once I did manage to get the movies to play, they do ok for about 3 seconds, and then hang for about 2 seconds, then play again, and repeat like that. If I play the movies individually outside of the DVD, they're fine, so I'm fairly confident its something wrong with the DVD image. I'm somewhat disapointed, and I doubt I'll put much more time into making this work right now, especially since I don't have any burning need to create DVDs. *sigh*