13:48 Saturday, April 04 2004

coming up for air

Urgl. This past week sucked like few others ever have. Several factors combined to make the workload incredibly high. For starters Derrick was out on vacation, so we were short staffed. Then throw in post-move chaos, and finish off with an unsually high ticket load. Additional highlights included a power outage on Thursday morning, and persistant network & phone problems.
In other news, I've got an ear infection in my right ear. I started to notice it around Wednesday, and as of yesterday, its been quite uncomfortable. I'm hoping that it will go away on its own. I think if i don't feel any improvement by Monday, I'll prolly make an appointment with a doctor. That brings up another challenge in that i haven't seen a doctor in several years, so i don't really have a doctor.
We got the report from the speach therapist earlier this week. It was fairly unsurprising stuff. David has apraxia, and she recommended 32 half hour sessions, twice a week. Right now David is on the waiting list.
We're buying a new car. The primary motivation is that David will need to go for speach therapy indefinitely, and the amount of disruption in having to share a single car will be too great. So we're getting a VW Golf. Denise likes it alot, i'm fairly ambivalent, but since she'll be driving it most of the time, that's all that counts.