12:34 Saturday, December 12 2004

busy busy

As luck would have it, I went to bed just after 8PM last night. I was exhausted. This morning I woke up at 5:45AM, and just laid in bed hoping that I'd fall back to sleep. 45 minutes later I was wide awake, and figured i'd might as well get my shower before David wakes up. Of course David slept in until 8AM. I'll be good money that he won't do that again for the next week when i actually want to sleep in.
Last night I made a cranberry pie, that I had for breakfast this morning. It was a bit liquidy, but still tastes pretty good.
I got a very nice assortment of xmas gifts this morning including (but not limited to) sun dried tomato tortellini, sqash filled raviolis, squid ink spaghetti, garlic pesto pasta sauce, artichokes in olive oil, a brined olive assortment, dark chocolate covered cranberries, a huge jar of assorted peppers and garlic in vinegar, and a cookie sampler.
David seemed to really love all of his gifts. He got this huge Fischer Price airport set that he's been having loads of fun with.
I started one of my projects for the week, today. I installed FreeBSD-5.3 this morning on an older computer. The installation went fairly smoothly, although I can't say that I'm all that impressed so far. The installer tool, sysinstall, really isn't all that well designed. I could understand if I needed to have a much better understanding of the OS or hardware to install FreeBSD, but in reality, its not much different than a version of Redhat's anaconda installer from a few years ago. So, i've got a working, bootable installation right now. I still need to get X configured, but beyond that its just mostly alot of tinkering to get a better feel for how it all works and fits together. I do see alot of similarities between FreeBSD and Solaris, and I absolutely hate Solaris, so i'm not sure if this bodes well for my FreeBSD experience.
My other projects for the upcoming week are mostly work related unfortunately. I need to get a draft of the Admin guide documentation completed (a rough first draft is done, but it needs some cleanup and augmentation), I need to review a proposal from a vendor to prepare it for finalization, i'm hoping that we'll get to drive up to Tahoe next week for some snow playtime, and i'm thinking of maybe going to the flea market in San Jose some morning to get some really inexpensive produce.
I'd also like to watch the extended edition LOTR ROTK DVD that i got from my sister-in-law and her husband.