18:04 Sunday, February 02 2005


I still can't shake this damn cold, plus my neck & shoulder continue to torment me. The cold actually isn't too bad, its just some minor stuffiness, but my neck & shoulder are miserable. It keeps switching from what feels like a muscle spasm or strained muscle in my neck, to this burning in my shoulder. I've tried hot showers, massages, aspirin, and nothing seems to help.
The 21" monitor that I got for my last birthday is starting to prove the old addage that you get what you pay for. I payed about \$300 for it, which is about half what it was elsewhere, and the only suggested reason for the price cut was that the original shipping packaging was damanaged. Well, it seems that the monitor may have been damaged too. About 3 months after i started using it, it would occasionally start showing weird little horizontal static lines, which would come and go seemingly at random. That problem went away, oddly, and now the new problem is that the focus, for lack of a better word, is off. It hard to pin down, but basically small fonts are fuzzy, which wasn't the case when i originally got the monitor. The monitor did come with a 1 year warranty, but since it weighs about 60lbs, shipping it back for repair is going to cost a small fortune, not to mention i don't have a box for it. Part of me is thinking that I should just write it off as a bad purchase, and get a 100% brand new, in original packaging, normal priced replacement. i dunno.