18:15 Tuesday, August 08 2009


On Sunday evening, just as we were getting ready to head off to bed, this weird beeping sound started outside the house. It sounded kinda like a smoke detector whose batteries were about to die. I didn't think much of it, figuring that it would stop soon, but instead it continued all night long, keeping Denise awake. Denise ended up timing the interval between beeps, and it was just about 30 seconds. BEEP...30 seconds of quiet... BEEP... 30 seconds of quiet ...BEEP ...30 seconds of quiet. This continued, nonstop until tonight. I decided to figure out where this horrible sound was coming from. I wandered down the street following the beep to discover that it was coming from our neighbor's back yard.
So, I walked up to their front door, knocked. Their teenage son answered, and I casually commented that I heard a beeping sound coming from their back yard for the past 2 days. Either this kid is utterly oblivious to the world around him, or he's a crappy liar, but he seemed genuinely puzzled by what I was saying. I commented that it sounded like a smoke detector with a dying battery, and I asked him if he could make it stop. He agreed, and closed the door. Less than 5 minutes later, and the beeping stopped (this was almost 40 minutes ago). It boggles my mind a) how they could stand the noise, and b) why they thought it wouldn't bother anyone. jebus.