08:49 Sunday, October 10 2004


I slept really poorly last night. I kept having this reoccurring dream that was partially about work, and partially just weird. Everytime I'd wake up (and I woke up more times than I can remember or count), i'd try to clear my head, but as soon as I fellback to sleep, the dream would either start over, or pick up where it left off. I prolly wouldn't have minded had the dream been ok, but it was just bleak, boring & depressing for the most part.
So this morning I feel like crap physically and emotionally, and I feel like climbing under a rock. David is in a pretty decent mood, so I guess I should be happy about that.
Yesterday we went to IKEA. We actually found this nice shelving unit for a decent price, and then when we got to the self-service pick-up, they were sold out of the color we wanted. This happens to us almost every time we go to IKEA. We find something we like, and its all sold out. So all we got was a new blue plastic collander. They did have something new, which were these really cute tiny shopping carts for children. So David pushed around his own cart, and that worked really well. For a change, he wasn't wandering around aimlessly, or going psycho sitting in a cart. Plus, he looked really cute pushing around his own cart.
On Friday night I watched Collateral. I actually liked it alot. The plot was well formulated, and Tom Cruise & Jamie Foxx both did a good job. Last night we watched Real Genius. We've seen it a bunch of times before, but I still like it alot, because its semi-realistic in portraying life at a tech school.