17:25 Monday, September 09 2004


Yesterday I took David for a walk after dinner, and he spotted this trail of tiny ants marching along to or from wherever ants march. I told him those were ANTS, and in his Davidese, he calls them 'aaan', and proceeded to do his best to stomp all over them as he kept saying 'all done aaan'. I'm not really sure if he understood that he was killing them, but he certainly didn't care.
I've had ants crawling on my desk at work for several weeks now. I reported it to the facilities manager, and he called in an exterminator a few weeks ago, but that doesn't seem to have had made much of an impact. I see between 10 & 50 a day, usually in the morning. Thankfully, they're the tiny ones, rather than the jumbo sized creepy ones.
For dinner tonight I made white rice with onions, parsley, carrots & peats with curry powder and satay sauce. It was ok, but not remotely one of the better meals i've made. David didn't like it much, but he made a valiant effort to eat it.