15:57 Sunday, February 02 2005


David woke up at 6AM this morning for no apparent reason. I got him back to bed relatively quickly, but the damage was done, and I was not able to fall back to sleep (nor was david).
We went to the San Francisco Zoo today. I thought it was pretty decent, and significantly better than the Oakland Zoo that we visited a few weeks back. The SF Zoo made a pretty good effort at landscaping and habitat design that far exceeded anything at the Oakland Zoo. David was semi cranky when we first got there, but once he had lunch he was in a better mood and started to take an interest in all the animals. His favorite of the day was the tigers. This tiger was pacing back and forth near the edge of its pen, and kept growling which excited david alot. Then we moved to a different side of its pen where there was just plexiglass separating us from the tigers, and the tiger was pacing literally on the other side of the glass, and david loved that. David was also fixated on the train that they had, but it started raining, and they shutdown the train at that point.