15:55 Wednesday, November 11 2004


Today hasn't been fun at all. First David woke up at 2:30AM with an apparent leaky diaper. Denise took care of him, but he continued to wimper & moan for the next hour. At that point, i got up and held him for a few minutes, and he was relatively quiet for a while. But the damage was done, and I couldn't fall back to sleep. So I got up at 4:15AM for the day. I'm not sure if David didn't fall back to sleep, or was sleeping lightly, but he woke up just as I was getting ready to leave for work at 4:30AM.
So I got to work early, and decided to upgrade our backup server (the server that performs the backups) to FC3 from RH9. It seemed to go well until the reboot at which point there was a kernel panic with a pivot root error. I decided to just backup the small amounts of data on the server (since the actual backups were stored on a separated RAID partition in a JBOD, and just loaded FC3 fresh. Thankfully that went smoothly, and it was all done by 9:30AM. Just after 10AM all hell broke lose with a customer, and that occupied the next 5 hours of my day.
Last night we watched the first episode of Huff. Denise hated it, but i was just mostly confused by it. It just didn't seem to know what kind of show it wanted to be. First it was trying to be funny, then sad, then confusing, then dark, then light-hearted. I realize that the first episode of any show it tough because they need to introduce alot of characters and plotlines at once, but this one didn't really introduce much in the way of a plot, and a bunch of stereotypes as characters.